Lori Nichols , Sales Associate

Lori A. Nichols has been in residential real estate
since September 2004 and is currently a Sales Associate
and Realtor® at Vanguard Properties. She became
a real estate associate after 20 years of working
with many of the large law firms specializing in
construction matters/development in the San Francisco
Bay Area.
She specializes in residential listings and condominiums/lofts
in San Francisco and San Mateo County. Her detailed
approach emphasizes consistent communication and
follow-through, creating specific marketing plans
for each of her listings, and protecting clients
with solid contracts. Her skills have allowed out-of-town
buyers and sellers to her complete transactions
with no travel involved for interested parties.
Her integrity and ethical judgment inspire trust
on all sides.
Lori not only appreciates quality in design and
materials but understands the process that a purchaser/seller
endures during the journey of a real estate transaction.
She knows it’s more than monetary value that
makes a property special. Her keen eye envisions
what can be done to upgrade a property, and her
community-wide connections make her a resource
for unique opportunities – whether they are
on the market or not.
Indeed, the community has benefited enormously
from her tireless commitment and devotion. She
has been a leading volunteer fundraiser with San
Francisco Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Helpers
Home for the Mentally Retarded of San Francisco.
Lori has lived in the beautiful and cosmopolitan
Bay Area for over 25 years. She is the proud mother
of two sons, an 18-year old (attending college
in Santa Barbara) and a 15-year-old. As a parent,
she enjoys being involved in the community. She
also loves traveling and values good friendships.
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